
Dr. Reckeweg R28 - Drops, 50ml (Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea)


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Indications: Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea. Acts on the smooth muscular fibres. Conditions of exhaustion due to loss of blood. Flushes of heat followed by perspiration. Dull pains across the small of the back.

Dosage: According to the severity, 4-6 times a day 10-15 drops in some water before meals. After improvement, reduce the dose to 10 drops 3 times daily. Even after complete recovery, take the medicine for a longer period of time.

It will be advisable to take 5-10 drops twice daily (morning and night), for about 8 days before the next menstruation is due.

Ingredients: Acidum sulfuric. D4, Aesculus D2, Crocus D4, Ferrum phosphoric, D8, Hamamelis D6, Secale corn ut, D6, Ethanol, Aqua pur.

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