We have available an extensive range of creams to use and apply topically when there is an area of pain in the body - each is slightly different and the results range, from treating inflammation, to relieving pain from acute injury and generally managing all types of pain.
These topical creams/ointments/sprays can be applied several times a day as needed to dull the pain, help reduce the inflammation and support additional treatment you are undergoing to treat the injury.

Topical Creams/Ointments/Sprays for Pain
The complete guide of what we have available online.
Traumeel Gel & Traumeel Ointment is a well known product by Heel, to treat all types of inflammation, pain, swelling etc and is for many the go to solution for all types of ailments. A remedy most keep in their cabinet for all kinds of issues; even a papercut / sprained wrist, and superficial injury, up to the more severe complaints.
To find out more about Traumeel, here are some interesting protocols and articles:
Traumeel, 7+ Reasons to Use Traumeel,
The Phenomenon of Traumeel & Why to Use it
Easyflex Spray
Easyflex Spray (Shu Jin Lu) is a special Chinese topical spray which is often combined with the use of Traumeel. According to the Chinese system, it exhibits a high level of bioenergy, so that the circulation of the skin can be promoted intensively, to help restore vitality. It has a sensation of warmth and cold, which is often a welcome relief if the area is painful - it distracts the mind with a tingling effect.
It can be applied to sore muscles, spasms, to the back of the neck for headaches, to the throat if the patient is congested / has the flu, it can be applied to the abdomen if there are menstruation pains, or as part of a sports massage.
Tegor Opibidol Cream
Tegor Opibidol Cream - For all types of muscle pain, muscle stiffness and joint stiffness and pains. Tegor Opibidol has a very intense heat effect, without causing redness or soreness to the skin - it can be a very welcome sensation as the heat effect can dull the pain of sore muscles, menstruation pains, sprains in the wrist / ankles, etc.
Recommended to be applied 2-3+ times during the day, as needed, until the sensation of pain reduces.
Often applied before bedtime to increase the restfulness of sleep, when there is muscle / joint soreness.
Tegor Can-nab-idol Cream & Gel
Tegor Can-nab-idol Cream & Gel is a remarkable product which is similar to Tegor Opibidol Cream, with some slight differences.
This product is recommended for all types of muscle pain, muscle strain,
sore ligaments, and sore muscles, stiffness, arthritis, inflammation, cramping muscles, period cramps, heavy limbs, exhausted muscles, exhaustion and all types of pain.
It has an intensive action to relieve inflammation and pain, but most notably is the comfort it provides with its long lasting sensation of heat, a warming sensation all over the area the topical remedy is applied to, with a slight feeling of cold at the very end of the sensation. It doesn't cause redness and it doesn't burn - lasts up to 1-3 hours.
Often applied to an area where there is pain (e.g. sore back / lower back pain) and the surrounding areas, to relieve the pain. Users of this topical product have described using it, explaining that where there is a painful area (e.g. lower back pain), when the product is applied, there is a reducing effect of pain, for several hours which is a welcome relief especially when pain is prolonged.
Can be used 2-3 times a day, or more if required, including before bedtime to help the body relax for a restful night sleep.
LaviGor Cannabisan Cold Gel
Cannabisan Cold Gel - This product is similar to the above, Can-nab-idol product, however this is different in that it offers a cold, cooling sensation to the area when applied.
As above, it can be applied several times a day, before bedtime for a restful nights sleep, to alleviate pain, provide comfort to stiff, sore areas of the body and for more intense pains of the joints, muscles, etc.
LaviGor Arnicomplex Ointment
Arnicomplex Ointment - Another great product for pain, relieving stiffness, pain in joints, muscles etc, but unlike the above products, this has no heat / cold effect. So if you prefer to not know what you've applied - this is a good alternative to the Can-nab-idol options above.
Zeel Ointment is Heel's second most popular product, Zeel is the arthritic version of Traumeel (mentioned above), recommended for use where deeper stiffness occurs, in certain age patients.
Zeel can be applied to the areas of pain, where arthritis and all various conditions similar to this occur.
Guna Tamanu Arnica
Guna Tamanu Arnica - This topical product is recommended for skin abrasions, skin inflammation, skin irritation, infections of the skin, providing a moisturizing, healing effect to the area.
Similar to Traumeel, it has soothing effects and is often used on burns, scalds from cooking in the kitchen, sun rashes, baby diaper rashes etc
Guna Resource Cream
Guna Resource Cream - Restoring, Soothing and Replenishing Cream with flower extracts according to Dr. Bach's original method. To treat the skin, which is exposed to harsh sunlight/sun/wind and all types of skin complaints, minor burns, insect bites etc.