Guna Remedies for Thrombophlebitis
- ANTI AGE VEIN (3 pellets every 15 minutes in the acute phase; continue with 3 pellets twice a day for 30 days)
- GUNA-LYMPHO (10 drops 3 times a day for 30 days)
- CITOMIX (10 pellets twice a day for 2-3 days; continue with 3 pellets 3 times a day for 30 days or GUNA-FLAM (10 drops 3 times a day for 30 days)
Heel Homeopathic Remedies for Thrombophlebitis
(Main remedy: Hamamelis-Homaccord)
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
- Aesculus Compositum to regulate the peripheral circulation, 10-15 drops 3-6 times daily.
- Cruroheel S (tablets) when located in the leg.
- Lymphomyosot Drops or Tablets as alternating remedy for mesenchymal canalization. Traumeel S liquid as alternating remedy.
- Galium-Heel for purification of the homotoxic terrain, at intervals.
- Apis-Homaccord for accompanying oedema.
- Hepeel or Chelidonium-Homaccord at intervals to stimulate the detoxicating hepatic function.
Heel Ampoule Therapy
- Echinacea compositum, alternating with Traumeel S
- Apis Homaccord, Chelidonium Homaccord, Hamamelis Homaccord, Belladonna Homaccord possibly also Galium-Heel.
- Lymphomyosot for canalization of the connective tissue, especially for periphlebitic symptoms or those similar to elephantiasis with induration of the connective tissue.
- Vipera Berus-Injeel for a sensation of heaviness in the legs.
- Pulsatilla-Injeel (forte) S when the thrombosis changes sides.
- Carbo compositum and possibly Strophanthus Injeel (for embolism),
for after-treatment also
- Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum (improvement of the enzyme functions).
- Placenta compositum (regulation of the peripheral circulation).
- Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function),
possibly also
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