Dr. Reckeweg Remedies for Diabetes Mellitus
Guna Remedies for Diabetes Mellitus
- K2F-DIA (in females) K2M-DIA (in males): 10 drops 2-3 times a day (regulates glycemia according to PNEI)
- Oligoel 18: 30 drops twice a day
- Oligoel 03: 30 drops twice a day (for diabetic micro- and macro-angiopathies)
- Anti Age Circ: 3 granules twice a day (for diabetic micro- and macro- neuro-angiopathies)
Heel Remedies for Diabetes Mellitus
(Organodermal or sympathicodermal impregnation or degeneration phase)
Main remedies:
- Syzygium compositum 8-10 drops 2 - 3 times daily.
- Aesculus compositum 8-10 drops 2 - 3 times daily.
- Galium-Heel 8-10 drops 2 - 3 times daily.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
In Addition:-
- Leptandra compositum (diseases of the liver and pancreas).
- Chelidonium-Homaccord (intermediate remedy).
- Nervoheel for mental stress.
- Berberis-Homaccord (action on the suprarenal glands).
- Nux vomica in Kretschmer’s typology.
- Barijodeel for arteriosclerosis.
Ampoule Therapy
- Leptandra compositum (diseases of the liver and pancreas).
- Momordica compositum (disturbances of the pancreatic function).
- Placenta compositum (circulatory disorders)
- Hepar compositum and Cerebrum compositum (detoxification of the liver and central vegetative regulation),
possibly also
- Mucosa compositum in alternating ampoules as basic therapy,
otherwise also
- Injeel- Chol or Hepeel with Acidum L(+)-lacticum-Injeel (forte) in succession, alternating or mixed together
- Acidum L(+)-lacticum-Injeel (forte) for great thirst, pale waxy complexion.
possibly also
- Bacterium coli-Injeel for nosode therapy.
- Coenzyme compositum (stimulation of the enzyme functions), at intervals
also infrequent ampoules of Ubichinon compositum (enzyme improvement)
- Cor compositum (action on the circulation).
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