Guna Remedies for Colitis
- GUNA REACT (3 pellets 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNA BOWEL (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- ANTI AGE STRESS (3 pellets 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
Heel Oral Remedies for Colitis
Main remedy: Nux vomica-Homaccord
- Nux Vomica-Homaccord 8-10 drops 3 x a day
- Galium-Heel 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
- Mercurius-Heel 1 tablet 3 x a day.
- Veratrum-Homaccord 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
In Addition:-
Then in addition select any remedies from the list below if they correspond with your symptoms.
- Ignatia-Homaccord or Nervoheel (psychosomatic components)
- Cinnamomum- Homaccord S (if discharge of blood)
- Cruroheel S (as an alternating remedy)
- Diarrheel S (dyspepsia/Indigestion, meteorism/wind/bloating, diarrhoea)
- Traumeel S tablets (anti-inflammatory, anti-suppurative/anti pus forming action)
Heel Ampoule Therapy
Alternatively if you wish to use the Ampoule remedies they are listed below:-
possibly also
- Ignatia-Homaccord (in substitution for Nux vomica-Homaccord)
- Bacterium-coli-Injeel, Salmonella typhi-Injeel- for nosode therapy
- Mucosa Compositum (constitutional therapy, after-treatment) once to twice weekly
possibly also
- Hepar compositum or Hepar suis-Injeel and Funiculus umbilicalis suis- Injeel in chronic cases.
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