Listed below are the Heel Remedies we recommend for Colic / Tying Up
- Spascupreel - 2 ampoules per dose as small size only available.
- Nux vomica-Homaccord ad us. vet. Regulation of gastro-intestinal movement.
Take the above all together. if acute - then do one ampoule a day - if very acute 2 ampoules a day. Then go back to one ampoule every 3 days.
- Then use Belladonna Homaacord ad us vet. if there are signs of Catarrh with the above.remedies
Follow Up Treatment
After the acute stage has been treated listed below are the remedies for the follow up treatment- Chelidonium-Homaccord as us vet - take to support the liver as a follow up therapy. - 1 ampoule every 3 days
- Coenzyme compositum ad us. vet. take with the chelidonium as above to support the enzymes
- Mucosa compositum ad us. vet. Regeneration of the mucous membranes in the gut.
If Diahorrea is Present
- Veratrum-Homaccord ad us. vet. If liquid diarrhea.
Stubborn Cases also Add
- Lachesis compositum N ad us. vet. If you have a horse that is prone to this then use this with the above (enterogenous self-intoxication.)
Long Term Additional Remedies to Consider for their Overall Health
2 Additional Packs to consider for their long term health and performance:-
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As always if you need any help please Contact Us.