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Excretion and Detoxification Therapy

Heel Remedies for Detoxification and Excretion

Listed below is a plan for excretion and detoxification / detox - which is a very important basic step when there are serious health problems. 

Oral Remedies

The above are taken all together.

The remedies above can be used alongside the  Additional Remedies Below

Additional Oral Remedies

Dosage for the 4 remedies above:-  10 drops 6x daily for 8 weeks.

Then 8 - 10 drops 4 x dally 8 weeks, then 8 - 10 drops 3x daily.

Ampoules Can Be Used in Addition with the Above Oral Remedies:-

Dosage of the above:- The ampoule preparations are 3x weekly mixed together in the form of an oral ampoule medication - i. e. 1 ampoule every 3 days.

You can mix the ampoules together.

Recommended Parallel to Excretion Therapy

Due to continual contact of intermediary hormones, a state of chronic stress develops within the body. This results in an increasing degree of adrenocortical exhaustion. Therefore, an expedient measure is also to take:-

Latent Tissue Acidosis

Due to a latent tissue acidosis, extracellular and intracellular metabolic blocks are frequently diagnosed in carcinoma patients.

These blocks can be disrupted through the application of the catalyst preparations:-

To stimulate depolymerization additionally to Ubichinon compositum, the application of:-

  • Glyoxal compositum is advisable, which is generally only administered when recovery starts to flag.
  • cAMP D30 can be recommended as alternating remedies.

Follow by Immune Support Treatment Plan

After an excretion phase of approximately four weeks, a special immunostimulating and/or immunomodulating therapy should then be done.

For more details:- Immune Stimulating Programme

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