Heel Remedies for Detoxification and Excretion
Listed below is a plan for excretion and detoxification / detox - which is a very important basic step when there are serious health problems.
Oral Remedies
- Lymphomyosot tablets or Lymphomyosot Drops - 3 tablets 3 times daily or 10 - 20 drops 3 times daily
- Nux vomica-Homaccord (drops) - 10 drops 3 times daily
- Berberis-Homaccord (drops) - 10 drops 3 times daily
- Hepeel Tablets - 3 tablet 3 times daily
- Reneel Tablets - 3 tablet 3 times daily
The above are taken all together.
The remedies above can be used alongside the Additional Remedies Below
Additional Oral Remedies
Dosage for the 4 remedies above:- 10 drops 6x daily for 8 weeks.
Then 8 - 10 drops 4 x dally 8 weeks, then 8 - 10 drops 3x daily.
Ampoules Can Be Used in Addition with the Above Oral Remedies:-
- Hepar compositum Ampoules
- Solidago compositum S Ampoules
- Lymphomyosot, Ampoules
Dosage of the above:- The ampoule preparations are 3x weekly mixed together in the form of an oral ampoule medication - i. e. 1 ampoule every 3 days.
You can mix the ampoules together.
Recommended Parallel to Excretion Therapy
Due to continual contact of intermediary hormones, a state of chronic stress develops within the body. This results in an increasing degree of adrenocortical exhaustion. Therefore, an expedient measure is also to take:-
Latent Tissue Acidosis
Due to a latent tissue acidosis, extracellular and intracellular metabolic blocks are frequently diagnosed in carcinoma patients.
These blocks can be disrupted through the application of the catalyst preparations:-
- Ubichinon compositum (3x weekly in the above mentioned application form).
To stimulate depolymerization additionally to Ubichinon compositum, the application of:-
- Glyoxal compositum is advisable, which is generally only administered when recovery starts to flag.
- cAMP D30 can be recommended as alternating remedies.
Follow by Immune Support Treatment Plan
After an excretion phase of approximately four weeks, a special immunostimulating and/or immunomodulating therapy should then be done.
For more details:- Immune Stimulating Programme
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