Dr Reckeweg Remedies for Coughs
Dr. Reckeweg R9 - Drops, 50ml (Cough Drops)
Dr. Reckeweg R8 - Cough Syrup, 150ml
Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-6
Dr. Reckeweg R48 - Drops, 50ml (Pulmonary Disease)
Guna Remedies for Coughs
- GUNA COUGH - All types of Coughs
- GUNA COMPLEX FLU - for all cold & flu infections
Additional Guna Remedies
- Guna-Cough + Guna-Flu: dry or productive cough during influential attack, especially in children.
- Guna-Cough + Guna-Flu + Guna-Flam: flu syndrome with fever.
- Guna-Cough + Citomix: cough in patients affected by recurrent forms of immune deficit catarrhal bronchitis, especially in children.
- Guna-Cough + Eubioflor: persistent cough in immune-deficient patients suffering from intestinal dysbiosis.
- Guna-Cough + Guna-Flam: catarrhal bronchitis and cough with fever, especially in children.
- Guna-Cough + Guna-Sinus Nose Spray: post nasal drip cough.
- Guna-Cough+ Guna-Allergy-Treat (+ Guna-Allergy-Prev): allergic cough.
Heel Remedies for Coughs
- Husteel Drops - Irritating Dry Cough, Catarrh
- Bronchalis - To Loosen Cough, For the temporary relief of coughs associated with bronchitis:Flu Coughs Chronic Coughs Smoker's Cough
- Drosera Homaccord Drops or Ampoules - Whooping cough, bronchiolitis, bronchitic asthma, Croup
- Tartephedreel - Bronchospasm, Exporations, Catarrh on Chest
- Droperteel - Congestive Cough, spasmodic Cough
- Belladonna Homaccord Drops or Ampoules - Barking Cough
- Nectadyn Syrup Cough Syrup -soothing for all types of Coughs
- Easyflex Spray (international), Easyflex Spray (UK Only) - very soothing on chest
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