Guna Remedies for High Cholesterol / Cholesterolaemia
And possibly also
Heel Remedies for High Cholesterol / Cholesterolaemia
(Main remedy: Barijodeel
- Barijodeel 1 tablet 3 x a day.
- Nux vomica-Homaccord 8 -10 drops 3 x a day.
possibly both preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily,
& or
- Aesculus compositum 8 -10 drops 3 x a day.- possibly increasing to 6 times daily,
- Rhododendroneel S 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
- Aurumheel N drops (or Cralonin drops), 10 drops 3 times daily after meals
- Veratrum-Homaccord (conditions of excitation, diarrhoea)
- Hepeel (to aid the hepatic functions)
- Ypsiloheel - if meteorism (drumlike distention of the abdomen due to air or gas in the intestine or peritoneal cavity), sensation of pressure in the throat.
- Psorinoheel and Galium-Heel (constitutional remedy)
- Lymphomyosot (mesenchymal purge)
Heel Ampoule Therapy
- Adeps suillus-Injeel, Cholesterinum-Injeel and Traumeel S once to twice weekly.
in addition possibly also
- Lymphomyosot and Solidago compositum S (renal excretion). Psorinum Injeel, Galium-Heel, Hepeel, Nux vomica Homaccord,
possibly also
- Berberis- Homaccord and Veratrum-Homaccord as alternating remedy.
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