We now have these Brand New Remedies by Guna, for more details on each item, click on the links below.
Helps eliminate toxins, relieves symptoms of toxin buildup, such as fatigue, skin rashes, swelling.
Helps eliminate toxins, temporarily relieves symptoms of poor lymphatic circulation, such as swollen legs, swollen lymph nodes, inflamed tonsils, sore throat.
Temporarily relieves inflammatory symptoms of various origins such as fever, minor aches and pains.
Helps drain toxins and liquids, supports kidney and liver cleansing function.
Temporary relief of seasonal allergies symptoms, such as sneezing, nasal discharge, feeling of itchy and watery eyes.
Relieves swelling and pain due to minor injuries or after physical exercise, namely muscle aches, muscle cramps, bruises. Relieves swelling and pain due to toothache, for examples after dental procedures.
Helps to relax and fall asleep, helps staying asleep during night.
Temporary relieves osteoporosis symptoms such as minor bone pain, fragile bones.
Supports liver function, relieves minor symptoms of liver intoxication, such as abdominal pain and bloating, skin rashes.
Guna Hay Fever Relief - Granules
Temporarily relieves hay fever symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, inflamed and runny nose.
Temporary relief of indigestion symptoms such as drowsiness, nausea, constipation.
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