Heel Oral Remedies for Disturbance of Peripheral Circulation / Peripheral Neuropathy
(Haemodermal impregnation or deposition phases)(Main remedy: Aesculus compositum)
- Arteria-Heel 8-10 drops 2 - 3 times a day.
- Barijodeel 1 tablet 2 - 3 times a day
- Cralonin drops, 15-30 drops 3 times a day
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
- Aesculus compositum (and ord in place of the aforementioned 10 drops 3-6 times daily)
- Lymphomyosot drops,or tablets for arteriosclerotic circulatory disorders
- Selenium Homaccord for cerebral circulatory disorders
- Cardiacum Heel for coronary circulatory disorders
Heel Ampoule Therapy
alternating with
- Cralonin as well as with Cor suis-Injeel (to support the coronary vessels),
- Placenta compositum (constitutional therapy) once to twice weekly
- Coenzyme compositum (improvement of the enzyme systems) once weekly.
or and also
- the collective pack of the Catalysts of the citric acid cycle
- Baryum oxalsuccinicum-Injeel interpolated.
Additionally Apply:
- Easy Flex - Apply topically
- Traumeel Ointment - Apply topically
- Implement a Flexibility Stretching Routine - See our Flexibility Decoded eBook
See also Intermittent claudication and endarteritis.
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