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Dr Reckeweg - Tissue Salts

  • See below the complete range of Tissue Salts from Dr Reckeweg.
  • They are very effective can be used by themselves or alongside other remedies.
  • Suitable for all ages. Explore the comprehensive selection of Tissue Salts by Dr Reckeweg, renowned for their effectiveness when used alone or in conjunction with other treatments.


Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-1 Anaemia 

Signs of anaemia include fatigue, symptoms associated with poor digestion, general wasting, neurasthenia, mental/physical depression and worry. 

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts BC-2 Asthma

 Is a lung disease that causes obstruction of the airways.
Typical symptoms of an asthma attack are recurring episodes of paroxysmal dyspnea, coughing, wheezing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and difficulty in breathing. Episodes may be precipitated by inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection, cold air, vigorous exercise, or emotional stress.

This particular combination of tissue salts will address symptoms of bronchial asthma, dyspnoea, dry tickling cough, spasmodic cough and whooping cough.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-3 Colic

is sharp abdominal pains that result from spams or obstruction of certain organs or structures, especially the intestines, uterus, or bile ducts. Such pain isattented by usually by constipation. Bc-3 will effect such symptoms as flatulent colic; colic due to inflammatory conditions, colic in children during teething or due to flatulence or constipation.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-4 - Constipation

results when waste material moves too slowly through the large bowel, resulting in infrequent and /or painful elimination. It can result from either organic or functional disturbances in the system. BC-4 combines give tissue salts to address symptoms such as constipated bowels with dry, hard stool accompanied by dull headaches, foul breath and coated tongue.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-5  Catarrh or Coryza

is an inflammation of the mucous membranes with excessive secretions particularly of the air passages of the nose and the trachea. A loss of smell and taste may accompany this situation along with soreness of the throat with bronchial irritation, dull headache, sneezing and watery discharge

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-6 Colds / Cough

Although colds are regarded as trivial everyday ailments, they should not be neglected as they could lead to more serious illness. Coughing is a symptom that occurs during the course of most diseases of respiratory organs

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-7 Diabetes Mellitus

results from a defect in the production of insulin by the pancreas. Without insulin, the body cannot utilize glucose, its principle energy source. This combination of Biochemic salts help to relieve many conditions associated with diabetes. BC-7 helps with assimilation of glucose and improves impaired kidney/liver functions.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-8 Tissue salts for diarrhoea.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-9 - Colitis Ulcerative colitis / Crohns Disease

they are chronic inflammation of the mucous lining of the intestine, especially of the colon. Severe diarrhoea, frequent bleeding and bloody stools, abdominal pain, tenesmus, and a development of ulcers characterize this condition.

Crohn's disease is also a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, usually affecting the ileum and the colon. It is characterized by frequent attacks of diarrhoea, severe abdominal pain, nausea, fever, chills, weakness, anorexia, and weight loss.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-10 - Tonsillitis

is an acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils, typically caused by bacteria, usually Streptococcus, but may also be caused by viral infection. The onset is sudden with pain on swallowing, chilliness and fever. The tonsils become enlarged and exude a whitish, purulent substance and the glands of the throat may become tender and swollen.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-11 Fever

Fever is an elevation in body temperature. It is a common symptom of disease but should be treated as secondary to the disordered state with which it is associated.

Normal body temperature ranges from 98F degrees to 99F degrees. One should not have undue concern unless the body temperature rises above 102F degrees in adults or 103F degrees in children. In fact those running a temperature is often helpful to the body. This defence mechanism of the body acts to destroy harmful microbes. 

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-12 Headaches 

Common causes of headaches includes stress, tension, anxiety, allergies; constipation, coffee consumption, eyestrain, hunger, sinus pressure, muscle tension, hormonal imbalances, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome, trauma to the head, nutritional deficiencies; the use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco; fever and exposure to irritants such as pollution, perfume or after-shave lotion. The brain itself is insensitive to pain.

Most probably the pain of headaches is due to dilatation of the arteries or to pressure of some sort. The dilatation may be in response to nervous stimuli, or the pain may arise from the neck muscles or scalp, or from other nearby organs. 

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-13 - Vaginal Discharge / Leucorrhoea

is a thick, whitish vaginal discharge. It is often a symptom of vaginal infection, such as that caused by the one-celled microorganism Trichomonas vaginalis, chlamydia, or monilla (yeast, or Candida albicans). This condition can also be caused by excessive douching, a vitamin B deficiency, the use of antibiotics r oral contraceptives and intestinal worms.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-14 - Measles or Rubella

Is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory track, eyes and skin, although it is typically a childhood disease, adults are also susceptible. Measles are very contagious and is easily spread by coughing and sneezing. Illness usually sets in between seven and fourteen days after exposure to the virus. The first symptoms include fever, coughing, sneezing, running nose, and red eyes that may be sensitive to light. In four or give days, Koplik's spots (tiny red spots with white centers) appear beginning on the face and neck, gradually running together and extending down the body.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-15 - Menstruation

Is a normal function within a woman's body that consists of a periodic discharge of blood and mucous from uterus. Menstruation occurs normally about every 28 days, varying slightly at longer or shorter intervals, along with a variation of the duration of the flow and the amount of blood lost. The menstrual problems that are addressed by the tissue salts in this combination include such conditions as menorrhagia, abnormally heavy or long menstrual periods; amenorrhea, absence of menses; and dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation. 

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-16 Nervous Exhaustion

These tissue salts address many of the symptoms experienced under the condition of nervous exhaustion, such as lassitude, depression, nervousness, irritability, hysteric behaviour, loss of or impaired memory, confusion, sleeplessness and psychosomatic illnesses.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-17 Hemorrhoids, or piles

Are swollen veins around the anus and in the rectum that may protrude from the anus. They are very much like varicose veins; they enlarge and lose their elasticity, resulting in saclike protrusions into the anal canal. They can be caused and aggravated by sitting or standing for prolonged periods, lifting heavy objects, straining at bowel movements, as well as by pregnancy, obesity, lack of exercise, liver damage, food allergies and insufficient consumption of dietary fiber. 

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-18 Periodontitis or Pyorrhea

is an advanced stage of periodontal disease in which the bone supporting the teeth begins to erode as a result of the infection. Periodontitis causes halitosis, with bleeding and often painful gums. Poor nutrition, improper brushing, sugar consumption, chronic illness, glandular disorders, blood disease, smoking, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption make an individual more susceptible to develop pyorrhoea.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-19 Muscle / Joint Pain

Muscle / Joint pain / rheumatism including any of a large number of inflammatory conditions of the bursa, joints, ligaments, or muscles characterized by pain, limitation of movement and structural degeneration of single or multiple parts of the musculoskeletal system. The disability arises from a variety of causes, among which is auto-intoxication or self-poisoning.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-20 Skin Diseases

There are innumerable numbers of skin ailments that can develop within the body in the event of any cellular deficiencies. BC-20 addresses conditions, such as acne, cracks in the skin, whittow, eczema, eruptions on the scalp, seborrhoea, psoriasis, and herpes.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-21 Teething

Teething is the physiological process of the eruption of the teeth through the gyms. Discomfort and inflammation result from the pressure exerted against the periodontal tissue as the crown of the tooth breaks through the membranes.

General signs of teething include excessive drooling, biting on hard objects. Irritability, difficulty in sleeping and refusal of food. The two biochemic salts in BC21 are meant to aid in tardy dentition and many of the common problems experienced during teething.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-22 Lymphadenitis, Abscess

Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory condition of the lymph nodes. The nodes may be enlarged, hard, smooth or irregular, red and may feel hot.

An abscess is characterized by any cavity containing pus and surrounded by inflamed tissue, formed as a result of suppuration in a localized infection. Healing usually occurs when an abscess is drained or is incised. An internal or deep tissue abscess is usually drained by means of a sinus tract that connects it to the surface. Both abscesses and lymphadenitis may be caused by bacterial infection. 

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-23 - Toothache.

This biochemic combination of tissue salts is meant to address the symptoms of a toothache including neuralgic pain, bleeding, and swelling gums. It will also help to strengthen the roots of the teeth within their sockets so as to prevent unnatural loosening.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-24 Phosphoric Tonic 

A nutritional deficiency of phosphorus can cause weight loss, anaemia, and abnormal growth. The biochemic combination of these phosphates promote tissue building and provide the necessary nutrition for the nerves, brain and bones. It is a general tonic for all chronic wasting diseases, anaemia, general debility and exhaustion with lack of vitality

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-25 - Acidity, flatulence, indigestion

Indigestion, or dyspepsia, may be a symptom of a disorder in the stomach or intestines, or it may be a disorder in itself. Symptoms can include gas, abdominal pain, rumbling noises, a bloated feeling, belching, nausea, vomiting and a burning sensation after eating. 

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-26 Labour

The birthing process has most women feeling at least some small amount of dread in anticipation of the inevitable ordeal of labour. The biochemic combination of these four tissue salts helps to relieve the pain of labour, and encourage an easier delivery. It encompasses non-specific lower abdomen pain during pregnancy and anxiety states.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-27 Sexual Neurasthenia

This combination of tissue salts will ameliorate the following conditions related to a lack of vitality. Symptoms suggestive of importance, depression of sexual instinct, lassitude, general debility, quick emission followed by trembling weakness and nervousness.

Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-28 Tonic

12 Salts all in 6X - This particular tonic that brings together the benefits of all 12 tissue salts, is advantageous in the recuperation process of any debilitating diseases and convalescence. It will help to build up the entire system by providing the necessary tissue and cellular nutrition, improving resistance to diseases and helping with better utilization and assimilation of food.

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