Heel Remedies for Hydrocele
(Germinodermal deposition phase)
- (Main remedy: Apis-Homaccord)
- Apis-Homaccord 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
- Arnica-Heel 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
- Graphites-Homaccord - 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
- Psorinoheel 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
- Traumeel S tablets or drops (resorptive mercury and enzyme regenerating sulphide effect).
- Abropernol as alternating remedy.
- Lymphomyosot tablets or drops for mesenchymal canalization 8-10 drops 3 times daily as intermediate treatment.
Ampoule Therapy
- Apis-Homaccord, Graphites-Homaccord and Traumeel S alternating or mixed.
- Coenzyme compositum (enzyme functions) as intermediate,
possibly also
- the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle.
- Testis compositum for impaired potency,
- Testis suis-Injeel and Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel once weekly.
Traumeel Ointment or Traumeel Gel can be applied to the area twice a day alongside Lymphomyosot Gel
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