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Luffa Compositum & Euphorbium Compositum - The Difference

Outlined below are the differences between Luffa Compositum and Euphorbium Compositum and when to  use them.


  • As  its  name  implies,  Luffa Compositum features  Luffa  operculata, which is as a decongestant that is indicated for coryza, the  common  cold,  and  hay  fever.  Indeed,  the  German  Monograph-Preparation Commission  for Homeopathic  Therapy  recognizes  Luffa  operculata  for:  "the common cold; hay fever.

Luffa Compositum   also  contains:  Galphimia  glauca,  Histaminum hydrochloricum, and Sulfur, all in several attenuations.

  • The combination of all of these  substances  in  various  dilutions  gives  Luffa Compositum a  decongestant action  on  the  nasal  mucosa  which  has  a  systemic  effect  on  the  mucous membranes of the entire respiratory tract, especially stimulating elimination of aspirated contaminants like pollen and facilitating air exchange in the lower respiratory tract thereby aiding breathing, and moisturizing the mucous membranes. 
  • With this in mind, we see that Luffa Compositum would be indicated  for  hay  fever,  allergic  symptoms  associated  with  asthma  and  allergies in general, affecting mainly the lower respiratory tract. Luffa tablets would be mostly used as a prophylactic, starting a few weeks before hayfever starts and Luffa spray would be used for acute hay fever.


  • As  its  name  implies,  EUPHORBIUM  COMPOSITUM  features  Euphorbium.  The German  Monograph-Preparation  Commission  for  Homeopathic  Therapy  recognizes Euphorbium for:  " inflammation of the respiratory passages." The complex is composed of other anti-inflammatory agents specific to mucous membranes in various dilutions.
  • As a whole, EUPHORBIUM COMPOSITUM acts like an anti-inflammatory on the mucous  membranes  of  the  upper  respiratory  tract,  stimulating  the  function  of  the mucous  membranes  of  the  nose,  sinuses  and  middle  ear  to eliminate  catarrh. 

In  this sense, it is a decongestant of sorts, but attenuates the swelling of the mucous membranes and thereby increases the defensive capacity of these structures. It is used as a decongestant and mucolytic targeting the upper respiratory tract.

  • EUPHORBIUM  COMPOSITUM  is  indicated  for  sinusitis,  rhinitis,  and  otitis;  any condition that causes catarrh in the upper respiratory

Although  Luffa Compositum and  EUPHORBIUM  COMPOSITUM nasal sprays and their adjunct product forms (tablets, ampoules) seem to bot be decongestant, they actually each have specific target areas in the respiratory

In  simple  terms,  they  both  work  at  the  same  task;  to  decongest  and improve the function of breathing structures, but Luffa acts mainly in the deeper, lower respiratory tract, while Euphorbium targets the sinuses and upper respiratory  structures.  The  following  quick  reference  chart  below  will  help  direct your prescription.

Luffa Composiutm Indications:-

  • Hay fever
  • Congestion from Allergies
  • Asthma

Luffa Compositum Tablets and Luffa Compositum Nasal Spray

Euphorbium Compositum Indications:-

  • Sinusitis
  • Rhinitis
  • Nasal congestion for allergies.

Euphoribum Ampoules, Euphorbium Drops, Euphorbium Nasal Spray

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