Heel Remedies for Paralysis, general
(Neurodermal degeneration phase) (In addition to malaria and antibiotic therapy)
- Galium-Heel 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
- Traumeel S 1 tablet 3 x a day.
- Barijodeel 1 tablet 3 x a day.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-6 times daily.
- Cruroheel S at intervals (detoxification).
Ampoule / Injection Therapy
- Gelsemium-Homaccord, Cimicifuga-Homaccord, for headache also Spigelon,
possibly also
- Coenzyme Compositum and Ubichinon Compositum alternating as intermediate injections,
possibly also
- Glyoxal Compositum (allow one single injection to take effect for a week),
later also
- Cerebrum compositum (cerebral remedy)
as well as
- Thyreoidea compositum (revitalizing effect),
- Testis compositum (for men) or Ovarium compositum (for women),
at intervals also
Frequently repeated progressive auto-sanguis therapy with Cerebrum suis-Injeel and the above ampoule preparations.
See also excitation, conditions of.
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