Heel Remedies for Peyronie’s Disease / Sexual Dysfunction
(Curvature of the penis)
- Lymphomyosot 8-10 drops 3 x a day or tablets.
- Galium-Heel 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
- Testis Compositum - 1 tablet 3 x a day.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
- Traumeel S tablets or drops (regeneration of the sulphide enzymes).
Heel Ampoule Therapy
- Testis compositum, and Tonsilla compositum every 2 days alternating
possibly also
- the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle
- Circulo-Injeel, Engystol N, Traumeel S, Galium- Heel, Hepeel, Acidum formicicum lnjeel alternating and mixed
and possibly
- Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel, Testis suis-Injeel in frequent repetitions.
possibly also
- Medorrhinum-Injeel as intermediate ampoules with Acidum DL-malicum-Injeel, etc.
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