Guna Remedies for Snoring (Enlarged Tonsils)
Guna Tonsils
Heel Remedies for Snoring (Enlarged Tonsils)
- Main remedy: Lymphomyosot
- Calcoheel 1 tablet 3 times a day.
- Lymphomyosot 8-10 drops 3 times a day or tablets.
- Naso-Heel 8-10 drops 3 times a day.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
In Addition
- Psorinoheel 10 drops 3 x a day for chronic problems also if polyps present
- Barijodeel as alternating remedy.
- Dulcamara-Homaccord (tonsils, tonsillar emboli).
Ampoule Therapy
possibly also
- Calcium carbonicum-Injeel (forte) for puffy types.
- Calcium phosphoricum-Injeel (forte) for thin types.
- Baryum carbonicum-Injeel (forte) for Iymphatism.
- Tonsilla compositum, at intervals
possibly also
- Coenzyme compositum and Euphorbium compositum (paranasal sinuses),
possibly also
- Mucosa compositum (action on the mucous membrane) and Glandula Iymphatica suis-Injeel
See also Chronic Tonsillitis and Tonsillitis
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