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Sanum Protocol for Flu & Colds

This protocol is designed to support immune defense, reduce symptoms, and accelerate recovery from viral infections such as colds and flu.

1. Immune System Boost & Antiviral Support

  • Sanum Recarcin® - Strengthens immune response, supports chronic infection management.
  • Sanum Latensin® - Enhances immune resilience against viral and bacterial infections.
  • Sanum Utilin® - Boosts immunity and supports the body's natural defense mechanisms.

2. Respiratory Health & Symptom Relief

3. Fever & Inflammation Modulation

4. Viral Detoxification & Recovery

Protocol Summary:

1. Immune System Boost: Recarcin, Latensin, Utilin
2. Respiratory Support: Luffasan, Okoubasan, Probikehl
3. Fever & Inflammation Modulation: Selenokehl, Ginkgobakehl, Mapurit
4. Detoxification & Recovery: Pleo Chelate, Sanugall, Relivora Complex

Implementation Notes:

Phase 1 (Days 1-4): Focus on immune activation, detoxification, and symptom relief.
Phase 2 (Days 5-10): Support lung function, reduce inflammation, and promote faster recovery.
Phase 3 (Ongoing Maintenance): Continue with immune support and occasional detox for long-term wellness.

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