
Guna Herpes Simplex Compositum


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Anti Age Herp / Cold Sores

Indications: Recurrent Mucocutaneous Infections

A compound which rapidly resolves the symptoms of herpes infections and reduces the frequency of relapses. The purpose of this product can be described as “active prevention”.

Standard dose: 3 granules morning and evening, at least 15 minutes before meals. 

Package size: Tube containing 4gr. Granules.


Buxus D3, Taraxacum D3, Herpes Nosode 9CH/15CH/30CH, Mucosa Oris Suis 5CH, Penicillinum Caseicolum D8, Cladosporium Metanigrum D8, Inter-feron Gamma 5CH, Interleukin 6 5CH, Interleukin 1 5CH, Borax 5CH, Acidum Muriaticum 5CH, Rhus Toxicodendron 9CH and Belladonna 5CH.


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