Indications: Hay fever.
Contraindications:- Tablets: In case of thyroid disorders, this preparation may not be administered without prior approval from a physician.
Side effects: None known.
Interactions with other medication: None known.
Dosage: Tablets: In general, 1 tablet to be dissolved under the tongue 3 times daily. In acute disorders, 1 tablet every 15 minutes (over a period lasting up to 2hours). Infants up to the age of 1 may not take more than a third of the adult dosage.
Children up to the age of 6 may not take more than half. Children between 6 and 12 may not take more than two-thirds the adult dosage.
Composition: Luffa compositum Heel tablets: 1 tablet contains: Aralia racemosa D 1, Arsenum jodatum D 8, Lobelia inflata D 6, Luffa operculata D 12 25 mg each.
Differences between Euphorbium & Luffa Compositum:
There is often confusion between Euphorbium Compositum and Luffa Compositum - we have a detailed article on the differences and when to use them, here:
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Indications: Hay fever.
Contraindications:- Tablets: In case of thyroid disorders, this preparation may not be administered without prior approval from a physician.
Side effects: None known.
Interactions with other medication: None known.
Dosage: Tablets: In general, 1 tablet to be dissolved under the tongue 3 times daily. In acute disorders, 1 tablet every 15 minutes (over a period lasting up to 2hours). Infants up to the age of 1 may not take more than a third of the adult dosage.
Children up to the age of 6 may not take more than half. Children between 6 and 12 may not take more than two-thirds the adult dosage.
Composition: Luffa compositum Heel tablets: 1 tablet contains: Aralia racemosa D 1, Arsenum jodatum D 8, Lobelia inflata D 6, Luffa operculata D 12 25 mg each.
Differences between Euphorbium & Luffa Compositum:
There is often confusion between Euphorbium Compositum and Luffa Compositum - we have a detailed article on the differences and when to use them, here: